
City of Connell receives $100,000 CERB Grant

for industrial, commercial viability study

January 22, 2024

By: Katherine Trowbridge

The City of Connell was awarded a $100,000 grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) to assess the readiness of the City’s industrial sites and explore opportunities for economic growth. Connell Mayor Lee Barrow and Port of Pasco Director of Economic Development & Marketing, Stephen McFadden, presented to the CERB board last week, hearing shortly after of the award. 

Their presentation focused on the need with the closure of Lamb Weston last October, amd the impacts of that closure. It also looked at infrastructure, the need for job opportunities, and where we go from here. 

“Our top priority is identifying opportunities that bring new, family-wage jobs to Connell, helping to offset the economic impacts of the Lamb Weston closure,” said Mayor Lee Barrow.

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The Franklin County Graphic (FCG)  is a locally owned and operated, weekly source of community news and information across Franklin County. The Franklin County Graphic is a Legal Newspaper (approved January 11, 1955).


Mesa Grocery Store Destroyed in Devastating Fire

December 17, 2024

MESA, WA – A fire on the evening of December 16, 2024, completely destroyed JC's Mesa Grocery, the only grocery store serving the town of Mesa, Washington. The fire, which began around 9:15 pm, has left the community grappling with the loss of this vital resource.

Multiple fire departments, including FCFD1, FCFD4 - Basin City, and the City of Connell Fire Department, responded to the blaze, with support from the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and the Franklin County Hospital District. Despite their efforts, the store suffered extensive damage and is considered a total loss. The fire is believed to have started near the cashier's station before spreading throughout the building, including the roof.

The destruction of JC's Mesa Grocery represents a significant hardship for Mesa residents and those in surrounding areas who relied on the store for everyday necessities. The store provided convenient access to groceries, and its absence will require residents to travel much further for essential items.

The store owner and his family were present at the scene and are reportedly in shock. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation by the fire marshal. Due to the extensive structural damage, the store is not expected to reopen in the near future, and the long-term future of the grocery store remains uncertain. The community now faces the challenge of finding a solution to replace this critical resource.

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North Franklin News | Issue 4


  • We publish 1-2 Text Message Announcements like this each month.
  • A service of the Greater Connell Area Chamber of Commerce.
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If it looks similar to various social feeds, that is intentional. There is also submitted content and links to other local sources.

We have curated the feed with the most relevant and requested content in an easy-to-digest arrangement.

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This year registration is ONLINE ONLY!! Registration closes Friday October 18th (EXTENDED) so hurry on over and register your player/s!


PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING, we are in need of referees, and volunteers to make this league possible!


Now more than ever our girls will need our community to step up and help sponsor either individual players or teams! IF YOU ARE A LOCAL BUSINESS OR LOCAL FAMILY AND WOULD LIKE TO SPONSOR A TEAM the process is easy!


Jr Eagles Youth Sports (

Jr Eagles Sponsorships

People of the Year
Nominations Open

Man, Woman, Senior, Educator 

please check past nominations before nominating

City Council Agenda

October 16, 2024


Franklin Co. Fire Dist. 1

Connell Grange Supply


NFSD Transportation


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Sunset Theatre
- OCT 18-20

Transformers One [PG]. Message us to reserve recliners!

Kaffrin's Coffee
Wild Olive's Charcuterie
Pizza Station

Join us for an evening of fun and food! Dress up for our "Under the Sea" costume contest for the chance to win a prize!





Did the recent Lamb Weston facility closure in Connell, WA affected you?
We're here to help! Join us at a job fair at Columbia Basin College on October 21st.


Hometown Halloween

Downtown Connell

OCT 31 ~ 5:30pm



Oct 31 ~ 5pm

Wine & Brew





Lone Crow Meats Store


Lone Crow Ranch is owned and operated by Cody and Jen Hoseth. To keep things short and sweet, we raise quality cattle, feed them quality feeds, and provide quality cutting and wrapping for your beef and pork.

Annual Basin City Turkey Trot

Thursday, NOV 28 ~ 8:30am








PO Box 401 Connell WA 99326


State Senator Mark Schoesler DUI plea


Washington State Senator Mark Schoesler was recently arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) following an event at the Ritzville Rodeo on August 31, 2024. The 67-year-old senator, who represents the 9th Legislative District, was found to have a blood alcohol level of 0.14, well above the state's legal limit of 0.08. According to reports, Schoesler was seen walking unsteadily after the rodeo, prompting a witness to report a possible drunk driver. He later allegedly backed his vehicle into two others before being stopped by law enforcement.

The senator cooperated fully with the authorities during the incident, but after failing a field sobriety test and several breathalyzer tests, he was arrested by citation. Since the local jail was closed, Schoesler was released to a family member and will face a court summons in Adams County. This arrest has drawn attention given Schoesler's long tenure in Washington politics, where he has served in both the House and Senate, including a role as Senate Republican leader for eight years.

The arrest marked one of the few major incidents at the Wheat Land Communities Fair and has led to scrutiny of Schoesler’s actions, though his full legal consequences will be determined in the upcoming court hearings.

Sources: Whitman County Gazette, Franklin Connection

Summary provided as an archive of the information in the case that the original article is unavailable.


RITZVILLE – The 9th Legislative District senator pleaded not guilty Thursday, Sept. 12, on a charge of driving while under the influence of alcohol. But Adams County District Court Judge Andrea K. Russell determined there was probable cause for the charge against 67-year-old Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville. She schedule him to appear before her again Oct. 8 in the 210 W. Broadway Ave. courthouse...

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The Franklin Connection is an online news and sports site dedicated to Franklin County, Washington, and the surrounding communities. The publication offers news, marketing, advertising and online services to the residents of Pasco, Basin City, Mesa, Eltopia, Connell, Kahlotus and Burbank.


Franklin County buildings named to Washington State Heritage Register

By: Katherine Trowbridge & Shelly Harper

The Pasco Aviation Museum, owned by the Port of Pasco, along with the North Franklin Heritage Museum’s 1904 Presbyterian Church, were voted on to the Washington Heritage Register on Friday, March 15 by the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation.

Museum Administrator Shelly Harper applied to put the old church on the Washington Heritage Register nearly a year ago.

The Washington Heritage Register is an official listing of historically significant sites and properties found though out the state. The registry list includes districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that have been identified and documented as being significant in local or state history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, or culture.

Listing in the Washington Heritage Register is strictly an honorary designation and raises public awareness about historic and cultural values.

Until March 15, there were only four buildings on the register from Franklin County; the Franklin County Courthouse (Pasco), the Moore Mansion (Pasco), the Carnegie Library (which is now the Franklin County Museum in Pasco), and Morning Star Baptist Church (Pasco). With the addition of the Pasco Aviation Museum and North Franklin Heritage Museum’s Presbyterian Church, there are now six buildings from Franklin County on the register with the Presbyterian Church (Connell) being the oldest of the six buildings.

The Pasco Aviation Museum is located in the old control tower, which was once part of Seattle’s Sand Point Naval Air Station during World War II. It became one of the three largest training bases for aviators in the United States. The Naval Air Station was just part of the military presence in Pasco during World War II and along with Hanford, played a big part in our area’s role during WWII.

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The Franklin County Graphic (FCG) newspaper opened in 1954 under founding editor Dave Adams to fulfill the need for community news. Today, it continues as a locally owned and operated, weekly source of community news and information across Franklin County.


Rally racing results announced in Lind

LIND — The Northwest Rally Association opened its 2024 season with two days of racing in Lions Club Arena on March 9-10.

The Top 3 finishers in each class are as follows:

Saturday, March 9

Prepared FWD — 1. James Connelly, 6:42.948; 2. Joshua Albanese, 6:47.750; 3. Chase Cook, 7:04.621.

Stock RWD — 1. T.J. Vollema, 6:22.983; 2. Bryan Davidson, 6:25.797; 3. Jason Angell, 6:36.874.

Prepared RWD —1. Michael Erbland, 7:25.626.

Prepared AWD —1. Omri Reeves, 6:07.682; 2. Daniel Slipes-Brandt, 6:07.747; 3. Dean Minner, 6:11.212.

Modiefied AWD-NA — 1. Kevin Muggli, 6:03.302; 2. Jason Cole, 6:09.051; 3. Richard Brookins, 6:19.743.

Open 4 — Chris Kobayashi, 6:00.691.

Time Only — 1. Luke McLane, 5:46.368; 2. Jacob Malm, 5:48.884; 3. Ben Bettinger, 5:50.141.

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The Franklin Connection is an online news and sports site dedicated to Franklin County, Washington, and the surrounding communities. The publication offers news, marketing, advertising and online services to the residents of Pasco, Basin City, Mesa, Eltopia, Connell, Kahlotus and Burbank.


Council authorizes rezone to commercial property

March 14, 2024

By: Katherine Trowbridge

The Connell City Council held a closed record hearing to consider approval of a rezone for 66.67 acres of property at the north end of Connell.

The request is for a rezone from urban reserve to commercial general of property located between Coyote Ridge Correctional Center and Highway 395. Open record hearing was heard by the planning commission with the applicant, staff, and one member of the public speaking on the issue.

Despite the advice of AHBL and City Administrator Cathleen Koch, the planning commission moved the item forward to council with a recommendation for approval.

In the staff report AHBL, represented by Emily, expressed their recommendation would be to deny, stating she spoke on behalf of and as an extension of the city staff. She stated that staff sees the rezone as “premature” going on to highlight the lack of water and sewer availability to the site.

Amy Grey, realtor representing the applicant Karl Singh, stated that their end goal is to ask for this change so that this land can be put into its highest and best use. She went on to state that they would like to put it up for sale and market the land in a way that benefits the community. She saw that someone would want to come and put something in that would need a lot of acreage but not take a lot of water. Grey did state that the water line goes up to the north corner of the property. “Let’s find somebody who wants to come in and help build it out. It seems like a win win. Hopefully then they’ll be paying taxes. You know that would be a great thing, right?”, she said, adding that Singh wants to put it up for sale and in the process work with the city to put it out there upfront as to what is needed in order to set the buyer up for success. Grey sees that there will be a lot of building in the next five years.

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The Franklin County Graphic (FCG) newspaper opened in 1954 under founding editor Dave Adams to fulfill the need for community news. Today, it continues as a locally owned and operated, weekly source of community news and information across Franklin County.


NFSD Superintendent announces retirement

By: Katherine Trowbridge

February 29, 2024

At their regular meeting on Monday, Feb. 26, the board of directors for the North Franklin School District (NFSD) accepted the resignation of Superintendent Jim Jacobs, effective June 30, 2024.

Superintendent Jacobs has led the NFSD for the past six years. Throughout his 27-year career in the district, Jacobs has served in numerous positions, including teacher, summer school director, elementary principal, junior high principal, superintendent and regional representative to the WASA Board of Directors.

Jacobs’ motto is “Kids First, Education Always,” and this shows in his relationships with students, staff and parents throughout the years, a district press release stated.

The board of directors accepted the resignation with a very reluctant sigh of yes during their board meeting held Monday, Feb. 26 after the motion was made by Patti Walker with the words, “Reluctantly and with great sadness…”

Jim Jacobs told the board, “It’s been a great career. I’ve either been serving my country or this district for the past 32 years. I’m just tired.” He went on to share that he is not seeking employment elsewhere. The board did ask if he would still drive school buses, to which he replied, “if needed.”

On behalf of the NFSD Board of Directors, Chairperson Terry Utecht stated, “It’s hard to imagine the North Franklin School District without Jim Jacobs in it, as he has served in many different aspects for over 27 years. The district has been blessed with Jim’s dedicated leadership for the past six years. He is a true leader in every sense of the word. The board is deeply saddened to see him go, but we are confident that the district is in a very healthy position which will help facilitate a smooth transition. We are excited to see what opportunities lie ahead for Jim and his family.”

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The Franklin County Graphic (FCG) newspaper opened in 1954 under founding editor Dave Adams to fulfill the need for community news. Today, it continues as a locally owned and operated, weekly source of community news and information across Franklin County.


Dorothy Forgey - Celebrating 100 years

By: Katherine Trowbridge

February 29, 2024

Dorothy Forgey was joined by family and friends at a celebration of her 100th year of life on Saturday, Feb. 11. Dot, as she is affectionately called by her grandchildren, wasn't in favor of the celebration and told her daughter so. Despite her reluctance, she was excited to see many who came and expressed her gratitude to all who came to celebrate with her.

Guests shared a variety of memories with us from her days as a waitress at the Golden Harvest and Hazy’s to her days as a bus driver, her kind heart, and her sense of humor.

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The Franklin County Graphic (FCG) newspaper opened in 1954 under founding editor Dave Adams to fulfill the need for community news. Today, it continues as a locally owned and operated, weekly source of community news and information across Franklin County.


Keep public records open to the public

Public records must remain open and accessible A special report urges the mobilization of civic leaders, organizations, businesses and all residents to work together to save the state’s Public Records Act.
The report is available online for viewing and downloading at
State lawmakers and the courts continue to whittle away at the landmark public records law, which was adopted...

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The Franklin Connection is an online news and sports site dedicated to Franklin County, Washington, and the surrounding communities. The publication offers news, marketing, advertising and online services to the residents of Pasco, Basin City, Mesa, Eltopia, Connell, Kahlotus and Burbank.